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The Filesystem API provides a NodeJS-like API for working with files on the device.

Understanding Directories and Files

iOS and Android have additional layers of separation between files, such as special directories that are backed up to the Cloud, or ones for storing Documents. The Filesystem API offers a simple way to scope each operation to a specific special directory on the device.

Additionally, the Filesystem API supports using full file:// paths, or reading content:// files on Android. Simply leave out the directory param to use a full file path.


import { Plugins, FilesystemDirectory, FilesystemEncoding } from '@capacitor/core';

const { Filesystem } = Plugins;

async fileWrite() {
  try {
    const result = await Filesystem.writeFile({
      path: 'secrets/text.txt',
      data: "This is a test",
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
      encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8
    console.log('Wrote file', result);
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to write file', e);

async fileRead() {
  let contents = await Filesystem.readFile({
    path: 'secrets/text.txt',
    directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
    encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8

async fileAppend() {
  await Filesystem.appendFile({
    path: 'secrets/text.txt',
    data: "MORE TESTS",
    directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
    encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8

async fileDelete() {
  await Filesystem.deleteFile({
    path: 'secrets/text.txt',
    directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents

async mkdir() {
  try {
    let ret = await Filesystem.mkdir({
      path: 'secrets',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
      recursive: false // like mkdir -p
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to make directory', e);

async rmdir() {
  try {
    let ret = await Filesystem.rmdir({
      path: 'secrets',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
      recursive: false,
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to remove directory', e);

async readdir() {
  try {
    let ret = await Filesystem.readdir({
      path: 'secrets',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to read dir', e);

async stat() {
  try {
    let ret = await Filesystem.stat({
      path: 'secrets/text.txt',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to stat file', e);

async readFilePath() {
  // Here's an example of reading a file with a full file path. Use this to
  // read binary data (base64 encoded) from plugins that return File URIs, such as
  // the Camera.
  try {
    let data = await Filesystem.readFile({
      path: 'file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/22A433FD-D82D-4989-8BE6-9FC49DEA20BB/Documents/text.txt'

async rename() {
  try {
    // This example moves the file within the same 'directory'
    let ret = await Filesystem.rename({
      from: 'text.txt',
      to: 'text2.txt',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to rename file', e);

async copy() {
  try {
    // This example copies a file within the documents directory
    let ret = await Filesystem.copy({
      from: 'text.txt',
      to: 'text2.txt',
      directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents
  } catch(e) {
    console.error('Unable to copy file', e);



readFile(options: FileReadOptions) => Promise<FileReadResult>

Read a file from disk

Param Type Description
options FileReadOptions options for the file read

Returns: Promise<FileReadResult>


writeFile(options: FileWriteOptions) => Promise<FileWriteResult>

Write a file to disk in the specified location on device

Param Type Description
options FileWriteOptions options for the file write

Returns: Promise<FileWriteResult>


appendFile(options: FileAppendOptions) => Promise<FileAppendResult>

Append to a file on disk in the specified location on device

Param Type Description
options FileAppendOptions options for the file append

Returns: Promise<FileAppendResult>


deleteFile(options: FileDeleteOptions) => Promise<FileDeleteResult>

Delete a file from disk

Param Type Description
options FileDeleteOptions options for the file delete

Returns: Promise<FileDeleteResult>


mkdir(options: MkdirOptions) => Promise<MkdirResult>

Create a directory.

Param Type Description
options MkdirOptions options for the mkdir

Returns: Promise<MkdirResult>


rmdir(options: RmdirOptions) => Promise<RmdirResult>

Remove a directory

Param Type Description
options RmdirOptions the options for the directory remove

Returns: Promise<RmdirResult>


readdir(options: ReaddirOptions) => Promise<ReaddirResult>

Return a list of files from the directory (not recursive)

Param Type Description
options ReaddirOptions the options for the readdir operation

Returns: Promise<ReaddirResult>


getUri(options: GetUriOptions) => Promise<GetUriResult>

Return full File URI for a path and directory

Param Type Description
options GetUriOptions the options for the stat operation

Returns: Promise<GetUriResult>


stat(options: StatOptions) => Promise<StatResult>

Return data about a file

Param Type Description
options StatOptions the options for the stat operation

Returns: Promise<StatResult>


rename(options: RenameOptions) => Promise<RenameResult>

Rename a file or directory

Param Type Description
options RenameOptions the options for the rename operation

Returns: Promise<RenameResult>


copy(options: CopyOptions) => Promise<CopyResult>

Copy a file or directory

Param Type Description
options CopyOptions the options for the copy operation

Returns: Promise<CopyResult>



Prop Type
data string


Prop Type Description
path string The filename to read
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to read the file from
encoding FilesystemEncoding The encoding to read the file in, if not provided, data is read as binary and returned as base64 encoded data. Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to read data as string


Prop Type
uri string


Prop Type Description
path string The filename to write
data string The data to write
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to store the file in
encoding FilesystemEncoding The encoding to write the file in. If not provided, data is written as base64 encoded data. Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to write data as string
recursive boolean Whether to create any missing parent directories. Defaults to false



Prop Type Description
path string The filename to write
data string The data to write
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to store the file in
encoding FilesystemEncoding The encoding to write the file in. If not provided, data is written as base64 encoded data. Pass FilesystemEncoding.UTF8 to write data as string



Prop Type Description
path string The filename to delete
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to delete the file from



Prop Type Description
path string The path of the new directory
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to make the new directory in
recursive boolean Whether to create any missing parent directories as well. Defaults to false



Prop Type Description
path string The path of the directory to remove
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to remove the directory from
recursive boolean Whether to recursively remove the contents of the directory Defaults to false


Prop Type
files string[]


Prop Type Description
path string The path of the directory to read
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to list files from


Prop Type
uri string


Prop Type Description
path string The path of the file to get the URI for
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to get the file under


Prop Type
type string
size number
ctime number
mtime number
uri string


Prop Type Description
path string The path of the file to get data about
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory to get the file under





Prop Type Description
from string The existing file or directory
to string The destination file or directory
directory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory containing the existing file or directory
toDirectory FilesystemDirectory The FilesystemDirectory containing the destination file or directory. If not supplied will use the ‘directory’ parameter as the destination



Members Value Description
Documents "DOCUMENTS" The Documents directory On iOS it’s the app’s documents directory. Use this directory to store user-generated content. On Android it’s the Public Documents folder, so it’s accessible from other apps. It’s not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage by adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in the application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml
Data "DATA" The Data directory On iOS it will use the Documents directory On Android it’s the directory holding application files. Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.
Cache "CACHE" The Cache directory Can be deleted in cases of low memory, so use this directory to write app-specific files that your app can re-create easily.
External "EXTERNAL" The external directory On iOS it will use the Documents directory On Android it’s the directory on the primary shared/external storage device where the application can place persistent files it owns. These files are internal to the applications, and not typically visible to the user as media. Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.
ExternalStorage "EXTERNAL_STORAGE" The external storage directory On iOS it will use the Documents directory On Android it’s the primary shared/external storage directory. It’s not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage by adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in the application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml


Members Value
UTF8 "utf8"
ASCII "ascii"
UTF16 "utf16"
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